
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

People participating insocial interactions

this notion comes from Dada, John Cage's Black Mountain events, Alan Kaprow's happenings, Fluxus, Gutai, the Situationsl international, Conceptual, budy and performance art, and the notion of Joseph Beuys's "social sculpture".

Joseph Beuys defined "social sculpture" as "how we mould and shpae the world in which we live." It is in this context that he made his famous statement that "everyone is an artist".

-But the term which Beuys used has a problem that he assigned audience as observer, not active participation.
we need new term which exchange the notion of Beuys's audience to another which present not the constellation of art from a hierrchical and unidirectional communication from artist to audience but partticipatory and experiential give and take system between artist and audience.

Ben Kinmont: one - on- one conversation.

Rirkrit Tiravanija-spaces which are activated when people gather and hang out

Rainer Ganahl-reading seminars on Karl Marx

Christine Hill's Volksboutique and Tour guide: social interaction as part of business

Relational Aesthetic(1998) written by Nicholas Bourriaud

Evolutionare Zellen(evolutionary cell) project

Physical architecture there is a kind of dialogue between use and structure, unlike contemplation which takes a passive stance-the receptive.

Sal used the term "social architecture", and she explains the reason why she used the term "architecture".
-It emphasizes the meaning of use, and the meaning of use is process of reconstruction (through construction and deconstruction).

-To use an object is necessarily to interpret it : to use a product is to betry its concepts

This sentence reminds me Duchamp's ready-made object works

-This idea of use, social architecture to be functional-in other words people have to have a good reason to be part of them
Therefore, social archtectures as artworks are functuonal artworks.

This sentence reminds me the question: art is selfish or not?

-Niklas Luhmann points out structures in social systems consist of expectations. Expectations are created in a number of ways, through articulated rules and guidelines, through repeated experiences, by custom and culture or subcultur, by associated physical and informational architectures.

Another words, structures in social architecures are imaginary:social architectures exist only because people believe they do and behave as if they do.

It means that social architecutres can be either fluid or persistent entirely according to the degree that people believe in them.

structures in social architectures are not static but dynamic. As artworks, social artworks are generative. So, we cannot predict what kinds of outcome will be produced. Structures of experience, and created from particular spontaneous and changing qualities of the material.

Art experience of different participants will very widely, so this is the reason social architectures are linked with ohter pariticipatory artworks.

Social architectures function as shapers of experience rather than as carriers of communication.
They turn from the idea of medium and mediation towards the immediate. If the art, as John Dewey suggests, is what happens in and with experience, it opens up a wider field of how to create experiences. This could be immaterial.

Robert Irwin said "to be an artist is not a matter of making paintings or objects at all. what we are reallhy dealing with is out state of consciousness and the shaoe of our perception."

Use over contemplation, participation over reception, direct experience over mediated communication, and dynamic, generative formal structure.

Beauty of situations.

Sal Randolph, Notes on social archtectures as artforms


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