
Sunday, April 16, 2006

Sal Randolph

Imaginary economics (book): art + commercial + valuation of culture

Objects in a gallery – stereotypical audience’s behavior
What they are feeling about art?
Our society focus on the money = capitalism and commercialism

Marcel Mauss-gift economics(book)

The relationship between free book and audience

Just collect words as her habitual behavior
The minimal composition allows audience to star reading or stop reading at any point
: Free reading space (echo from minimal artist)
Leave your work at the constitutional space

Blog and Internet communications -> the power of Internet social

She uses the social network created by Internet as her new social network (artwork) intentionally => free biennial.

Public space is decided by users (individual purpose)
Open sound interchange
Against to the copy right invention and economic
Internet radio broadcast

Listen now
Combination between Physical space and Virtual Internet space

Where you are
Tagging system
To do something together
Pod-cast, data experience
Sharing media
Tag on your documentation -> makes another economic system?

The inter actor
Personal interaction _ interactivity
User: search (human) = Browser = server: finder: give the answer (human)
Performance, slower than google, gives the answer as their own opinion

Social architectures: business, team, family, government, and demonstration
History/ sociology/ economics/ political philosophy/ cultural anthropology/ psychology
Use (social architecture) VS contemplation (social sculpture)
Social architectures are made of expectations

Habits/rules/rewards (promises)
Attract people + want to participate

Money/reputation/social connection/pleasure (play and entertainment)

Quote from Christopher Alexander (novelist)

Social architecture as art form-functional, participatory, dynamic form, unmediated,
Generative structure
What is Internet art? History: communicational model
From mouth to ear
Media= something in the middle
Language is the first Mass Medium (McLuhan)
Old media: painting, sculpture (representative)
⇒ photo/ film/ video
⇒ digital media : screen based

Language is conversation: 쌍방향
Corresponding (letter): correspondence
Publishing = making public
One to many (current notion about communication): book
Community of writers and readers : many to many = every body is participant (past notion)

Text and communication- e-mail, listservers, bulletin boards,
Internet is based on the text
Social software: early game form is based on the text (던전 앤 드레곤)
Blogs / rss, friendster/ myspace, wikipedia,, flicker,, google
Publishing meets correspondence
Immersive worlds (on-line game): another form of browser
Moving through information world
⇒ immersive operating systems: ex) second life (game which imports the economic system of real life)
#Goal of Sal Randolph
dissolution of the distinction between artist/ producer/ audience
open systems: possibility and chance
making from static to dynamic concept of form
Simple-technological aspect
Ephemeral-let it just happen and it done
Beauty of situation-Guy Debord


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