
Sunday, March 26, 2006

By dealing with the ways things are experience instead of how they are made or percieved, the intents of work are realized only through the physical involvement of the spactator.
Ordinary experience of the space dosn't deal with a concept of sapce but with sensation of it. Purely physiological reaction becomes a highly charged emotional experinece. It is similar in feeling to the impact of seeing, but not immediately recongnizing yourself in the reflective surface of a store window as you pass it.

Physological and emotional effects of time. Even according to the most stringent scientific analyses of time, pure time cannot be masured, because every lapse of time must be connected with some process in order to be percieved. We defined time, therefore, according to our experience of it. When looking at a static object, the phenomenon of time, of how we perceive something, can be separarted from what we are looking at, which does not change.


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